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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy Program

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Program at The Anxiety Center offers advanced clinical care to patients, promotes research in CBT, and educates healthcare professionals, students, and the public on the principles and practices of CBT.

Psychology, mental health or woman hands with psychologist in consultation office for mind
Tomándose de las manos

Conditions We Treat

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Program at The Anxiety Center, directed by Nathan Fite, PhD, brings together highly experienced psychologists, therapists, and interns specializing in CBT for the treatment of psychiatric disorders and medical issues. CBT has been shown to be a highly effective form of treatment for a broad range of psychiatric conditions and health concerns. The Anxiety Center is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art treatment to patients in the CBT Program.​


The CBT Program at The Anxiety Center offers clinical treatments and education for a variety of psychiatric disorders and medical issues, including:

  • ADHD

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Pain

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Schizophrenia

  • Substance use disorders

Our Approach

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at The Anxiety Center is a structured, evidence-based approach that addresses a variety of psychiatric disorders and medical issues. This therapy is designed to help patients understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A critical aspect of CBT is case conceptualization, which involves developing a detailed understanding of the patient's problems and the factors contributing to them. This personalized framework guides the selection and application of specific cognitive and behavioral strategies to achieve the best outcomes.

Sesión de psicología

Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies in CBT focus on identifying and modifying distorted thinking patterns that contribute to the patient's symptoms. Specific techniques include:

  • Cognitive Restructuring: Patients learn to challenge and reframe negative or irrational thoughts, replacing them with more balanced and constructive beliefs.

  • Thought Records: Patients document their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in specific situations to identify patterns and triggers.

  • Decatastrophizing: Patients are guided to evaluate the validity of their worst-case scenario thinking and develop more realistic perspectives.

  • Socratic Questioning: Therapists ask guided questions to help patients explore and challenge their thought processes and beliefs.

  • Behavioral Experiments: Patients test the accuracy of their thoughts through real-life experiments to gather evidence and modify beliefs accordingly.

  • Problem-solving: Patients develop skills to identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively, evaluating outcomes and learning to troubleshoot when necessary.

Reunión de grupo

Behavioral Interventions

Derived from learning theory, behavioral interventions aim to change maladaptive behaviors and reduce the association between concerns and maladaptive responses. Key techniques include:

  • Exposure Therapy: Patients gradually confront avoided situations, such as using a public bathroom for contamination fears or approaching a dog for those with cynophobia. This is done at a pace comfortable for the patient, progressing from less to more anxiety-provoking situations.

  • Ritual Prevention: Patients reduce and manage ritualistic behaviors, like compulsive hand-washing or constant self-comparison, to lessen anxiety and discomfort.

  • Assertiveness Training: Patients practice recognizing and asserting their needs and views respectfully. This often involves role-plays to improve communication skills and enhance relationships and career opportunities.

  • Activity Scheduling/Behavioral Activation: Patients build constructive routines by scheduling enjoyable and achievement-oriented activities. Increased activity and success can positively influence behavior and motivation.

  • Motivational Strategies: Patients enhance their commitment to CBT through strategies that increase and sustain motivation.

La práctica de Yoga

Comprehensive Support

CBT at The Anxiety Center also incorporates:

  • Mindfulness: Patients practice staying present and accepting their thoughts and feelings without judgment to reduce stress and improve emotional regulation.

  • Relaxation Training: Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization are taught to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety and stress.

  • Cognitive Restructuring: Patients challenge and reframe negative thoughts and beliefs, adopting more balanced and constructive perspectives.

At The Anxiety Center, our CBT Program integrates these advanced strategies to provide comprehensive and effective treatment for a wide range of psychiatric disorders and health concerns.

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¿Por qué elegir nuestro IOP?

En The Anxiety Center tienes acceso a la mejor tecnología de la región.


Cuidados más intensivos

Nuestro programa ofrece más horas de servicios terapéuticos por semana que la terapia estándar, lo que lo hace más efectivo y capaz de brindar una mejora más rápida.


Participación flexible

Puede unirse a nosotros virtualmente, en persona o mediante una combinación de ambos para adaptarse a su estilo de vida y preferencias.


Participación flexible

Puede unirse a nosotros virtualmente, en persona o mediante una combinación de ambos para adaptarse a su estilo de vida y preferencias.


Cuidados más intensivos

Nuestro programa ofrece más horas de servicios terapéuticos por semana que la terapia estándar, lo que lo hace más efectivo y capaz de brindar una mejora más rápida.


Participación flexible

Puede unirse a nosotros virtualmente, en persona o mediante una combinación de ambos para adaptarse a su estilo de vida y preferencias.


Participación flexible

Puede unirse a nosotros virtualmente, en persona o mediante una combinación de ambos para adaptarse a su estilo de vida y preferencias.


Al proporcionar su número de teléfono, acepta permitir que The Anxiety Center y su personal autorizado utilicen su información de contacto con fines de comunicación sobre su atención médica, recordatorios de citas y cualquier otra información relevante relacionada con su tratamiento y atención. Su número de teléfono no será compartido con terceros sin su consentimiento explícito, salvo que lo exija la ley o en los casos en que sea necesario para su tratamiento y coordinación sanitaria.

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