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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

What are Neurodevelopmental Disorders?

Neurodevelopmental disorders are conditions that typically appear early in development, often before grade school, and are marked by developmental deficits affecting personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. These deficits range from specific limitations in learning or executive functions to broader impairments in social skills or intelligence. Conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disorders, and intellectual disability fall under this category. We offer comprehensive neuropsychological testing and create custom treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Our multi-modal treatment approaches include social skills development, sensory integration occupational therapy, applied behavioral analysis, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Our interventions are based on the patient's developmental level, with a strong emphasis on family involvement and patient insight into intervention targets. This holistic approach ensures that each patient receives personalized and effective care.

Disorders that we treat

Know more about our special approach of the conditions that we treat


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